Star Wars May Save Your Life

Yes, the title to this post may be a bit click-baity, but here you are!

I'm a big sci-fi/fantasy fan. From Star Trek to Young Justice to Doctor Who, I watch it. It's pretty sad, actually. If you want to discuss the political atmosphere of the Dominion War and its fascist rise to power with the Breen Confederacy and Cardassian Union, or the subtleties of fascism in the Federation and Klingon Kingdoms, bring it on. But if you want me to do, let's say, long division or name the former head of the FBI or the White House Press Secretary, I'd be at a loss.

Actually, that's a downright lie. Who can ignore names like Comey and Spicer in THIS political climate and administration. It's the same drama that you can find in the developing Defenders project.

I still can't do long division. That part was true.

When Slidebean, a slide presentation platform (think powerpoint but easier), introduced a Star Wars themed slide contest, I was SO IN. The prize is one round-trip-ticket to Disney World's Hollywood Studios for a day. (Must be used this summer 2017 so that sorta sucks).


So all I had to do was open a Slidebean account, watch a tutorial, make a 10 slide presentation on the benefits of Star Wars and submit. Easy, right?

Not really. Totally time consuming. But the good news is I learned about their software which I'm sure was their point. I might even use Slidebean in the future.

Here are a few screenshots of my presentation. For the full presentation click here.


The software is user friendly so, in the end, I have to give Slidebean credit for finding a creative way to use their platform. I only suggest they sweetened the pot of the grand prize. ONE ticket to be used almost immediately? That's a pretty lonely trip. Star Wars is an ensemble piece, guys.

Score (out of 5)
Entertaining: 4.2
Creative: 4.5
Use-ability: 4.5


Name: May Slide Contest Star Wars Edition by Slidebean
Dates: ending 5/25/17


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