The Strongest Woman in My Life

Mother's Day is around the corner on this Sunday. Even though we should thank our mom every day instead of just on this particular day of the year, the internet has lots of contests and giveaways to give us an opportunity to win some sweet gifts for the woman who knows we're always her baby no matter how old we are - Mom.

Cassey Ho, who is the creator of POP Pilates & PIIT28, is a fitness star on Instagram. As a strong woman herself, she is doing a huge giveaway for this year's Mother's Day in honor of all the STRONG WOMEN in our lives. She is giving away two $100 POPFLEX gift cards to get amazing fitness outfits and two complete PIIT28 Transformation Packs to be the most amazing self.

All you have to do to enter the giveaway contest is go leave a comment on Cassey's blog and tell her who you'd give the prize pack to and why she deserves it. The contest ends 10am PST on Mother's Day, May 14th, 2017 and the winner will be announced on her blog on Mother's Day. 

"You're the strongest woman in my life. I love you, mom. Happy Mother's Day!" - comment from Participation Trophy. 

Summary: It was an easy and straightforward contest and a great way to share with people why you mom is the strongest woman in your life and show your love to her on this special day of the year.  

Score (out of 5)

Entertaining: 5
Creative: 5
Overall Score: 5

Name: Mother's Day Giveaway 
Date: Ends 10am PST 5/14
Contest Entry:


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